People are not a company’s most important resource – committed people are.

Effective leadership creates commitment.

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Leadnow Conference. September 24, Zürich

Why Leadnow?

Whether leadership is collegial, situational, participative, holocratic, agile, … is not so important. Leadership must be effective.

Effective leadership builds a bridge between the needs of the organisation and the needs of the employees.

Effective leadership is an attitude, not a method. Because people don’t listen to what you say. They watch what you do.

Alina Ferraro

As a professional psychologist at Leadnow, I can make an impact on a situation, making leadership more effective, advancing relevant work topics and bridging the gap between science and practice. It’s a challenging job that I do with a lot of heart, motivation and joy.

Hubert Lechner

Effective leadership is essential for a successful organization. As a leader with over 20 years of experience, I am familiar with the challenges of day-to-day leadership and work with clients to develop solutions tailored to their needs.

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