People are not a company’s most important resource – committed people are.
Effective leadership creates commitment.

Leadnow Conference. September 24, Zürich
Why Leadnow?
Whether leadership is collegial, situational, participative, holocratic, agile, … is not so important. Leadership must be effective.
Effective leadership builds a bridge between the needs of the organisation and the needs of the employees.
Effective leadership is an attitude, not a method. Because people don’t listen to what you say. They watch what you do.
Alina Ferraro
As a professional psychologist at Leadnow, I can make an impact on a situation, making leadership more effective, advancing relevant work topics and bridging the gap between science and practice. It’s a challenging job that I do with a lot of heart, motivation and joy.
Hubert Lechner
Effective leadership is essential for a successful organization. As a leader with over 20 years of experience, I am familiar with the challenges of day-to-day leadership and work with clients to develop solutions tailored to their needs.
Our Approach
Leadnow Academy

We make your leadership more effective step by step through a comprehensive and systematic program for your company’s managers to strengthen their leadership skills.
Tailor Made Consulting

We have proven approaches to conflict, leadership, communication and strategy that come with personalized feedback and guidance tailored to your unique challenges and goals
Our solutions
What Leadnow clients say
The heart of the engineer Stefan Heer understands our challenges as managers; the soul of the industrial psychologist Stefan Heer can explain to us in an understandable way how we can develop further in the area of leadership.
When it came to choosing a consultant who would appeal to our entire company, we were immediately impressed by Stefan Heer. With his authentic, clear communication, he reaches all employee levels equally. His work, in particular the implementation and presentation of an extensive employee survey, demonstrates his ability to make complex content understandable and accessible. Stefan's particular strength lies in his empathetic and polite manner, which, together with his experience and confidence, creates an inspiring environment. In summary, working with Stefan was and is a real enrichment for our company. We recommend him as a coach who not only brings professional expertise, but also promotes a motivating and inclusive working environment.
Based on the results of our last employee survey, we launched a broad development programme for our leaders with Leadnow. Leadnow supported us in the development and implementation of the programme over the course of a year in a pragmatic, needs-oriented manner and with great expertise. We gained a great deal of know-how on leadership topics, practised and reflected on ‘leadership behaviour’ and applied it in practice in an important Ergon development topic. I greatly appreciate the collaboration with Stefan Heer and his team in the combination of leadership and organisational development as a sparring partner, idea provider, perspective opener, moderator and trainer.
Being able to rely on professional support at a leadership meeting and not having to worry about methodology and moderation is very liberating. In Stefan Heer we have found the perfect personality to challenge us and take us forward.
‘My initial scepticism towards the format quickly turned into great joy. I had the impression that this format was and remains very valuable for us.’
With Leadnow, we have a partner who responds to our questions on the topic of leadership and advises us individually. The programme is tailored to our specific needs and enables us to further develop the various aspects of leadership. This sustainably improves the effectiveness of our leaders in the company.
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